
Ultrasonic Bulk Water Meter

Ultrasonic Bulk Water Meter

MID Certified, Very good sensitivity at starting flow, Ultrasonic working principle assures very high sensitivity even at low flow, Reading through the centre of the GPRS system, the collector of conformity (Optional), Via the LCD display providing access to meter data for billing and check out, Parametric 2 pulse outputs, IP 68 protection class,Mod-Bus interfaces, Radio Frequency automatic remote reading (Optional), Due to the lack of moving parts, high measurement accuracy, Lithium battery, 10 years lifetime, 3 years of warranty, Service and spare parts available for 10 years.

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Details MID certified, ISO 4064:2014, Mod-bus interface, LCD display IP68 Protection, AMR Reading.
Size Available 50mm, 65mm, 80mm, 100mm, 125mm, 150mm & 200mm
On Request Mod-bus Interface
Reverse flow Detection
Advanced Service Network
O & M Up to 3 Years

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